After science, knowledge.
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Abdassamad Clarke is from Ulster and was formally educated at Edinburgh University in Mathematics and Physics. He accepted Islam at the hands of Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi in 1973, and, at his suggestion, studied Arabic and tajwid and other Islamic sciences in Cairo for a period. In the 80s he was secretary to the imam of the Dublin Mosque, and in the early 90s one of the imams khatib of the Norwich Mosque, and again from 2002-2016. He has translated, edited and typeset a number of classical texts. He currently resides with his wife in Denmark and occasionally teaches there. 14 May, 2023 0:03 View more posts
After knowledge, Death?
After knowledge, action. After life, death. After death, the rising, the reckoning, and either the Fire or the Garden, and gazing on the Face of Allah, insha’Allah.
After knowledge, the gazing of the Face of Allah
to the chase and making a long story short
er, which face?
Making long stories short is the disease of our culture. We want to get to the end, but it is the journey that matters. The entirety of a long journey and its end are contained in the first footstep. The gazing on the Face is in the very beginning, although it happens at the end. Wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah.
In Jannatul-makwa
Ahh, the Face of Ar-Rahmaanur-Rahiim it is for me!
And the houris
the companions facing each other
the youth eternal with their jugs of kaafuura
the fountain
Al-Musthofa, the anbiyaa and the rasul
and the Malaaikat
Assolawatu was-salaam ‘alaihaim