How extraordinary! The very essence of physical science is that scientists insist that things have causes. They are utterly dedicated to this simple rule, with one exception, however: they regard the universe – or the sum of all existent things – as the only exception. It alone is completely uncaused and simply popped into being all by itself. in other words, the only exception to the rule that applies to every thing is everything. Those of them with enough intellect to find the big bang embarrassing, then try to resolve this predicament by saying that infinitely large numbers of universes had simply popped into being all by themselves. That might appear logical to them, but to me it simply multiplies the dilemma infinitely.
The exception
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Abdassamad Clarke is from Ulster and was formally educated at Edinburgh University in Mathematics and Physics. He accepted Islam at the hands of Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi in 1973, and, at his suggestion, studied Arabic and tajwid and other Islamic sciences in Cairo for a period. In the 80s he was secretary to the imam of the Dublin Mosque, and in the early 90s one of the imams khatib of the Norwich Mosque, and again from 2002-2016. He has translated, edited and typeset a number of classical texts. He currently resides with his wife in Denmark and occasionally teaches there. 14 May, 2023 0:03 View more posts